Sunday 10 November 2013

Meeting @ Meeting

Another DCFG working group meeting was held at Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre to further refine handover roles and responsibilities. Acknowledgement was given to the Dja Dja Wurrung and us, the people of our local community. Also, the meeting recognized the remarkable input of Meg Ulman, blogger extraordinaire and steady hand of the Ulman-Jones realm. We thank-you Meg for all your contributions and love.

The meeting brainstormed a list of DCFG Aims. A final 12 was decided upon and listed on the whiteboard. The aims listed below are a basic understanding of our shared intent and participation, not definitive, graded or constituted. A snapshot of DCFG in November 2103. You are welcome to randomly throw them up in the air and see where they land. Or sing them as a mantra in the garden….

1. Organic Food Production
2. Abundance
3. Common Ground
4. Social Warming
5. Joy
6. Raise Awareness
7. Community Participation
8. Learning
9. Inclusive
10. Inspire
11. Group Sustainability
12. Local resilience

Patrick further fleshed out DCFG structural roles with a focus on communication. Showing exemplary white-board skills Patrick conjured up a dynamic map diagram (see below) of what is required to ensure that DCFG remains in open communication both internally and with wider community. The meeting agreed with the roles outlined. Other noted roles were.
Luke to be general info contact 
Tia to assist Kate with Facebook
Ian to be blog contact
Event facilitators to provide blog write up+ photos to Ian
Pete to be Hepburn Shire contact 

In keeping with our recognition of the need for strong communication, it was decided that a general DCFG meeting would be held bi-monthly. The meeting schedule roughly coincides with the six seasons of the Wombat Forest as identified by local field naturalist Tanya Loos. These seasons are early spring (late Aug-Sept), true spring (Oct-Dec), early summer (mid Dec-Jan), late summer (late Jan-March), autumn (April-May) and winter (June-mid Aug). Tanya notes that indigenous Australians have long understood that our continent has more than four seasons. We acknowledge that understanding here. See Tanya’s Daylesford Nature Dairy website for more information.

The meetings will be held at Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre commencing at 7.00pm with a firm resolve to finish at 8.30pm. 

DCFG meetings are open to all people.

Tuesday 3 Dec 2013
Tuesday 4 Feb 2014
Tuesday 1 April
Tuesday 3 June
Tuesday 5 August
Tuesday 7 October
Tuesday 2 Dec

In closing the meeting discussion was held about garden signage and possible general information poster. Further dialogue on these has been held over to next meeting. Along with other stuff. Will keep you posted!!

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