Thursday 8 March 2012

Virginia of the Herbs

Virginia Langsford, a local herbalist and botanist, met with Mara, Lena and Patrick at Rea Lands Park today to discuss the place of medicinal plants in the garden and the teaching of their benefits in the community. Behind our meeting lay the enormous pumpkin patch, demonstrating the success of multilevel garden ecologies. Virginia is keen to teach people the healing properties of plants for humans, our kin animals, the health of the soil and companion plant relationships.

As Rea Lands is a perennial food forest garden in the making, it seems only natural perennial herbs and other medicinal plants be planted among the fruit and nut trees for both culinary and medicinal uses. 

As we're getting so many people to the monthly working bees at Albert Street, we thought Virginia could meet us there on occasions and poach herb-orientated folk to join her for both planting and learning sessions at Rea Lands Park. Virginia will let us know which working bee Saturdays she can come and we'll do a little publicity before hand... Speaking of which...

Our meeting today was brief and very inspiring, so if you're herb inclined and want to keep informed about the working bees with Virginia email us to go on the mail out list.

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